Repairing and replacing a flat roof is essential to any home maintenance plan. When flat roofs are not properly maintained and repaired, they can be susceptible to various damages, leading to significant structural problems. 

Before contacting professional experts in Flat Roof Repairs in Stowmarket, let’s know a little more about these damages.

  • Interior Water Damage

Interior water damage is one of the most common problems associated with neglected flat roof repair. Over time, water seeping through cracks in the flat roofing material can make its way into the attic or other areas of the home. This water can cause staining on ceilings and walls and promote mould and mildew growth in damp regions. Furthermore, deterioration of insulation or other materials due to prolonged exposure to moisture can lead to inefficient heating and cooling systems in your home. 

  • Mould and Mildew Growth

Mould and mildew growth are common problems when flat roofs don’t get inspected regularly by professionals specialising in maintenance and repair. The moisture caused by poor drainage or existing damage to the roof creates ideal conditions for mould spores to grow unchecked throughout your home’s interior. 

  • Rot Build-Up

Rot is another damaging consequence of failing to maintain a flat roof properly. This occurs when water seeps beneath faulty seals or shingles around corners or edges of your home’s exterior walls. As it builds up near these areas, it slowly begins eroding at them until large sections show signs of decay or complete disintegration over time. In addition to being unsightly, rotting portions of your siding could weaken security against pests like mice or rats.

  • Moisture Infiltration

Finally, neglecting regular flat roof repairs often leads to a separation between underlying layers due to moisture infiltration over time caused by wear-and-tear on existing sealants used for waterproofing purposes during construction years ago. This will then cause flashing (metal strips used for protection against leaks) between these layers to become loose, allowing rainwater or snow melt access directly into vulnerable parts underneath, like insulation boards never designed for such exposure in mind! 

Anglia Pro Flat Group is an expert in Flat Roof Repairs in and around Stowmarket. We also specialise in scaffolding and UPVC cladding. Please get in touch with us for more information.